The MirroR Unit | Georg Wissel, Tim O'Dwyer |
Zusammen mit dem Platzhirsch-Festival Tim O'Dwyer | Altsaxophon Verwandtschaft der Klangwelten, dichte Verwebungen, Pas de deux zweier Improvisatoren, die unabhängig voneinander ihre persönliche und dabei dennoch sehr ähnliche Sprache entwickelt haben und die -Zufall oder nicht- noch dazu Instrumente gleicher Bauart (Conn ‚Ladyface') spielen. Tim O'Dwyer is a saxophonist/ improviser/ composer who has been living and teaching in Singapore for the past decade and is the Head of the School of Contemporary Music at LASALLE College of the Arts. He is currently on sabbatical in Cologne as a fellow of the Akademie der Kuenste der Welt until August 2014. Tim's playing constantly pushes the boundaries of style, technique, contexts and collaborative process stretching across the borders of culture, performance practice and art forms. He has performed throughout the world with the contemporary classical group Elision Ensemble; his avante - jazz trio The Tim O'Dwyer Trio; his collaborative project 'The Fold'; and in solo and ad hoc improvising combinations. He especially thrives on the challenges of collaboration between musicians and other performing artists from diverse cultural and stylistic backgrounds. Georg Wissel, Sculptor of compressed air via (prepared) saxophone, clarinet, selfmade Instruments
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