
Musikclub | Apsara | Blockflöten Trio


Samstag, 20. Nov. 2021, 20:00
Lokal Harmonie


2021 11 Apsara 01 c Elmar Valter
Foto © Elmar Valter


Tomma Wessel
Ines Rasbach
Katelijne Lanneau


APSARA is an ensemble with a variable line up, centred around the recorder. The musicians keep searching for uncommon music, unheard sounds and new combinations with other instruments or media. The ambition of APSARA is to present varied programs full of challenge and surprise. For centuries chamber music has been the actual sphere of the recorder. Since its founding in the year 2000, APSARA has been performing contemporary and ancient music of all kinds.The list of first performances contains pieces written by Paul Craenen, Alvin Curran, Moritz Eggert, Dominique Pauwels, Serge Verstockt, Errollyn Wallen, Frank Nuyts, Matthew Shlomowitz and others.




Screenshot 2021 11 05 23.40.32


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Logoleiste Musikclub



Veranstaltungsort*  Lokal Harmonie

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