
Musikclub | INTIM | MissTaken w Dasha & Klaus Kinky


Samstag, 9. Okt. 2021, 20:00
Lokal Harmonie


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After 3 Years of creatively breaking down, we can meet MissTaken again almost alive on stage.

And if that wasn’t mind boggling enough, she will be reunited with her beloved pianist and dedicated slave Dasha!
Miss Taken was able to use this recent period of isolation in order to, learn absolutely nothing.
She talks and sings.
Both artists appear in time and fully vaccinated.


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Her host this evening in our new series of events MUSIKCLUB-INTIM- will be the dirtiest of all the overprivileged and underappreciated white old men in the terrifying world of off-show- business here in the MEGALOPOLIS RUHR - Klaus Kinky aka Nicholas Dark.
He will be joining her and Dasha in the one or other song and otherwise be friendly and appreciative.



Beware: This program is not suitable for minors and will be presented in english!


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Logoleiste Musikclub



Veranstaltungsort*  Lokal Harmonie

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