
Erel | Hein


Samstag, 31. Jan. 2015, 20:00


Korhan Erel - Elektronik
Nicola L. Hein - Gitarre

Die Gruppe aus Berlin/Köln spielt frei improvisierte Musik. Ihre Musik entsteht im Moment, ohne vorher zurechtgelegte Konzepte oder Kompositionen. Neben der Lust an der freien Improvisation ist auch die Erweiterung traditioneller Spieltechniken – sowohl mit als auch ohne Präparationen – eine starke gemeinsame Basis, mit der die Musiker dichte, doch immer bewegliche Klanglandschaften kreieren, in deren Verlauf auch Stille einen bedeutenden Platz einnimmt. Die Besetzung heterogener Instrumente – Elektronik- und Zupfinstrumente – sorgt für enorme klangliche Möglichkeiten; dennoch ist es teilweise nicht auszumachen, welches Instrument die Quelle des gehörten Klanges ist.

Korhand Erel

Korhan Erel is a computer musician, improviser, sound designer based in Berlin. He plays instruments he designs on a computer by employing various controllers. He also uses analog and digital electronics. He is a founding member of Islak Köpek, Turkey's pioneer free improvisation group, which is regarded as the band that started the free improvisation scene in Turkey. He composes and designs sounds for dance, theater, installations and film. He collaborates with dancers, video artists and spoken word artists. Korhan's collaboration with Sydney-based video artist Fabian Astore "The Threshold" has won the Blake Prize in Australia in 2012.
Korhan's computer performance system is called Omnibus. The instruments within Omnibus are a culmination of Korhan's musical past and aesthetic choices. Omnibus instruments use concrete sounds (samples, field recordings), morphed and processed in realtime. They can be as simple as one single sample being played using a Nintendo Wii controller to a complex system that employs granular synthesis and spectral processing. The instruments are played interactively using Nintendo Wii controllers (Korhan's choice of controller when he plays in ensembles with acoustic/electric instrument players), an iPad (used in solo/duo performances as well as ensemble concerts) and several midi controllers. No matter what technology he uses, Korhan always stays focused on the outcome and musicality rather than processes.Korhan has had three residencies at STEIM (Center for research & development of instruments & tools for performers) in Amsterdam, where he studied use of sensors in music performance and instrument design. He was a guest composer at the Electronic Music Studios in Stockholm in January 2011.Korhan has five CD releases with Islak Köpek and other projects on Creative Sources Records (Portugal), Evil Rabbit Records (Netherlands/Germany), A.K. Müzik (Turkey) and Kukuruku Recordings (Greece) as well as several netlabel releases.He performs regularly in Europe and in the Middle East as a solo artist as well as with his projects in Turkey, Germany and Holland.

Nicola L. Hein

Nicola L. Hein (*1988 in Düsseldorf) is a guitarist, composer and soundartist.

As a guitarist he is mainly concerned about the search for new sounds on his instrument. He plays electric and acoustic guitar with or without preperations and tries to find new ways of playing the guitar within the context of free improvised music and Jazz.

As a composer he tries to use different techniques of writing music and therefore musical thoughts ( standard notation, graphic notation, verbal instructions etc. ) to ultimately inspire improvisation to happen in another way than it would without a composition.

As soundartist he is mainly involved with sound installations which involve the recipient as a part of the actual work, because the work has to be played by the recipient. The works encourage the recipient to make a special aesthetic experience with different sounds. The aesthetic of these sounds is inspired by the aesthetics of free improvised music.

Studied Jazzguitar, Philosophy and German philology at Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn and Gutenberguniversität Mainz.

He has worked with: Paul Lytton, Frank Gratkwoski, Phil Minton, John Russell, Michael Vorfeld, Rudi Mahall, Christian Lillinger, Etienne Nillesen, Robert Landfermann, Sebastian Gramss, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Paul Hubweber Philip Zoubek, Matthias Muche, Matthias Müller, Christian Marien, Ignaz Schick, Emilio Gordoa, Korhan Erel, Alfred Zimmerlin, Harald Kimmig, Udo Moll, Ryan Carniux, Joker Nies, Georg Wissel, Uli Böttcher, Jörg Fischer, Dirk Marwedel, Ulrich Phillipp etc.

Concerts led him through all parts of Europe.




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